Micronutrition and Rejuvenation

At Zorba, we believe you are what you eat. One of the greatest factors that drive an addict to abuse is nutrition. Research shows that almost all substance and alcohol abuse victims suffer from malnutrition of some kind. Lack of essential minerals, salts, vitamins, proteins and other dietary constituents can lead to serious craving and discomfort that is temporarily calmed by alcohol and other substances.

How when you pop a cardamon in your mouth, it reduces the urge to smoke. Or how a timely glass of lemon juice helps control the urge to pop open a beer can.

That is basically what a scientific nutrition plan means. We believe a good nutrition plan can cut down the craving to abuse by at least 50%.

Proper nutrition and hydration are key to the substance abuse healing process because they help restore physical and mental health and improve the chance of recovery. Macro and micronutrient deficiencies can lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety, and low energy, all of which can lead someone to start using drugs or alcohol or trigger a relapse.

Substance abuse generally leads to a lack of proper nutrition, either as a result of not eating enough throughout the day or eating foods that are low in necessary nutrients.

Many programs that target substance abuse prevention address nutrition because a healthful lifestyle can promote mental health. And for those who are battling substance abuse, nutrition plays the same key role in maintaining recovery while also improving the resulting health conditions and deficiencies.

A customised nutrition counseling and comprehensive nutrition education program helps:

  • Heal and nourish the body damaged by alcohol or substance abuse
  • Stabilize mood and reduce stress
  • Reduce cravings for drugs and alcohol
  • Address medical conditions that are co-occurring or have resulted from substance abuse
  • Encourage self-care and a healthful lifestyle.

Our nutrition program is designed by a qualified dietician based on the medical history, culture, addiction background and emotional status of the client.


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